Smart Cloud Seeding Ballons

Ground Based In-Cloud Seeding Solution

Smart Cloud Seeding Balloons

The Smart Cloud Seeding Balloon features customizable flare ignition which allows for precise control and optimization of the balloon’s operations according to specific environmental conditions and operational requirements.


The Smart Cloud Seeding balloons are an end-to-end solution serving areas that will benefit from localized cloud seeding.  These balloons present a particular advantage for agricultural areas that lack the terrain necessary to support traditional ground-based seeding. 

Specifications – Manual Launch System

Cloud Seeding Balloons

Specifications – Remote Launch System

Automatic Cloud Seeding Balloon Launcher
Cloud Temp.
Icon for Cold Clouds
Icon for Warm Clouds
Icon for Balloon Seeding
Use Cases
Icon for Rain Enhancement / Reduction
Icon for Snow Augmentation / Reduction
Icon for Hail Suppression

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