Glaciogenic Burn-In-Place flare for cold cloud seeding.


Burn-In-Place flare


Glaciogenic Burn-In-Place (BIP) flares are used in cold cloud seeding scenarios and are designed to be dispersed from both top and bottom seeding approaches. Zeus flares are commonly used for:

Performance Benefits of ZEUS

Laboratory tests of CST flares demonstrate high yield across a wide temperature range compared to other products, as summarized in the graph below.

CST‘s new burn-in-place flares use fully combustible tubes, minimising active material loss through precipitation on the flare wall, and maximising overall effectiveness.

Active particles generated at different temperatures


Available in weights of:

Cloud Temp.
Icon for Cold Clouds
Icon for Below-cloud Seeding by Aircraft
Icon for Above-cloud Seeding by Aircraft
Icon for Ground Based Cloud Seeding
Use Cases
Icon for Hail Suppression
Icon for Rain Enhancement / Reduction
Icon for Snow Augmentation / Reduction
Icon for Use Case Fog Dispersal

Request Test-Report & Datasheet

We are happy to send you our fully detailed test-reports and further information upon request. Please fill in the form or contact us by phone.