Cloud Seeding Application

Protect your resources, Preserve your water.

How we Seed the Clouds

Cloud Seeding is a scientifically validated method of weather modification, involving the controlled dispersion of seeding agents into clouds. These materials induce changes in microphysical processes within the cloud, such as introducing additional condensation or ice nuclei or modifying relative humidity through hygroscopic particles.

These techniques offer versatility, allowing for the augmentation or reduction of precipitation (rain or snowfall) within targeted areas, as well as the suppression or mitigation of hail formation. Our clients’ objectives range from managing water supplies to safeguarding crops or industrial facilities from hail damage and enhancing weather conditions for winter sports and events.

Selection of seeding agents and deployment methods depends on various factors, including cloud type and temperature, desired outcomes, terrain, and specific circumstances. Our product range caters to diverse scenarios, enabling application within both warm and cold cloud environments using aircraft or ground-based generators.

Cloud seeding in cold clouds
Cloud seeding in warm clouds

Cloud Seeding Application

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Top Seeding by Aircraft

Burn-in-place or ejectable flares, or aircraft generated aerosol can be deployed above or inside the cloud. Hygroscopic systems may also be used for seeding warm clouds.

Icon for Above-cloud Seeding by Aircraft
Icon for Ejectable Flares
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Cloud-Base Seeding by Aircraft or Cloud Seeding UAV

Burn-in-place flares, or aircraft generated aerosol can be deployed below the cloud and then naturally distributed by updrafts or thermals. Hygroscopic systems may also be used for seeding warm clouds.

Icon for Below-cloud Seeding by Aircraft
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Ground-based Seeding by Generators & Balloons

Designed for seeding low-hanging, cold clouds (e.g. in mountainous terrain) ground-based seeding techniques may be used to economically deploy the seeding agent.

Icon for Ground Based Cloud Seeding
Icon for Cloud Seeding Balloons
Icon for Cloud Seeding Drones

Common Applications

Combat Drought. Augment freshwater reserves, support agriculture, and improve water security.  Increases in precipitation of more than 10 % can be expected.

Precipitation suppression is also possible in flood-prone areas.

Increase the amount of snow to augment water reserves and improve recreational conditions. Snow suppression is also possible to protect transportation and prevent damage to buildings or reduce avalanche risk.

Prevent damage to crops, buildings, machinery, property or industrial products by reducing large hail stone formation in storms.

Improve visibility and ensure safe operation of airports, roads, tunnels, and industrial facilities by clearing fog and low-hanging clouds. Disperse fog and pollution for populated or industrial areas and transportation hubs and routes. 

Scientific Research

Our team of researchers specializes in mesoscale meteorology and cloud microphysics, with decades of experience in the field. Through our extensive research and practical expertise, we have pioneered the development of innovative chemical compounds that surpass traditional cloud seeding materials in effectiveness. Our manufacturing process prioritizes quality, resulting in economically viable and environmentally friendly materials. 

Our advanced deployment systems – pyrotechnical and pneumatic flares, particle ejectors and ground-based generators are meticulously engineered to prioritize safety, reliability, and ease of use. Comparative studies have demonstrated the superiority of our innovative technology, and we can provide additional references upon request.

Our Approach

We provide both the technology and the experience to make your weather modification program successful. Whether you are looking to alter precipitation or prevent hail damage, seed warm or cold clouds, deploy by aircraft, or utilize ground-based systems, we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced Cloud Seeding Consultants assess individual requirements and objectives to recommend suitable products and programs.

Our product range includes deployment systems for cloud seeding as well as the necessary supplies to sustain operations. Our advanced flares are compatible with many existing launch systems, enabling a seamless upgrade to our innovative product with minimal investment and risk. We strive to understand our clients’ needs to provide the right solution, aiming to become your long-term cloud seeding partner.