Aerosol-generating, glaciogenic flare for cold cloud seeding.


Ejectable flare


Ikarus flares are used in cold cloud seeding scenarios and can be dispersed into the top of the cloud.  Depending on the method of application, Ikarus can be used to enhance or suppress precipitation and is commonly used for:

Cloud Temp.
Icon for Cold Clouds
Icon for Ejectable Flares
Use Cases
Icon for Hail Suppression
Icon for Rain Enhancement / Reduction
Icon for Snow Augmentation / Reduction
Icon for Use Case Fog Dispersal

Performance Benefits of IKARUS

Using unique dual burning mode technology, the Ikarus ejectable flare generates a higher yield, across a greater temperature range than traditional products, as summarized in the following graph.

Active particles generated at different temperatures

CST ejectable flares also use the entire flare sleeve volume, further increasing the total yield per flare.


Available in weights of:

Dual Burning Mode

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