Change the weather to suit your needs.
We provide best-in-class cloud seeding technologies.
How does it work?
We help our clients to achieve the environmental conditions required to manage their water supply, prevent hail damage to agriculture and property, and improve weather conditions for winter sports and transportation.
Seeding agents are dispersed into clouds in a controlled manner. These specialized materials then alter microphysical processes within the cloud by providing additional condensation nuclei or by introducing hygroscopic particles. These methods can be applied to increase or decrease precipitation, as well as to suppress hail.
Our products cover all common application scenarios, using proven methos alongside emerging technologies. We help clients initiate or supplement weather modification efforts using ground or air generated seeding techniques in warm or cold cloud environments and offer economically accessible new methods including balloon and drone technology.
Our holistic approach to cloud seeding solutions includes expert consultations and environmental studies to assist our clients in decision making, and method and technology selection for their unique and changing environmental needs.
Cloud seeding in cold clouds
Cloud seeding in warm clouds
Types of cloud seeding
Top seeding
Seeding agent is deployed above or inside of the cloud using burn-in-place or ejectable flares, aircraft-mounted generators, or when seeding warm clouds, hygroscopic systems may also be used.
Bottom seeding
Seeding agent is deployed below the cloud and distributed by updrafts or thermals. Burn-in-place flares, aircraft-mounted generators or hygroscopic systems best suit this activity.
Ground-based seeding by generators, balloons & drones
Especially for seeding low-hanging, cold clouds (e.g. in mountainous terrain) ground based seeding techniques may be used to economically deploy the seeding agent.
Common uses
Hail suppression
Prevent crop damage, protect buildings, machinery, cars, or industry by reducing large hail stone formation within dangerous storms.
Rain or snowfall enhancement or suppression
Increase the amount of precipitation to increase the supply of fresh water or snow to support agriculture and recreation, and combat drought. Decrease the amount of precipitation to protect against damage due to snow loading, flooding, and landslides.
Fog and smog reduction
Improve visibility and ensure safe operation of airports, roads, tunnels and industrial facilities by clearing fog and low-hanging clouds.